
21 years! meet the team!

Directly below you will find all the people who organize our weekend, many who have done so for the past TWENTY ONE YEARS. Each year, our dedicated staff work long and hard to organize the multitude of services to make your time in The Lake District an enjoyable one. From securing musicians for the concert, rehearsals, travel, directions, getting the correct legal insurance papers for the sponsored walk, food menus, hotel rooms, sponsor forms and a hundred other things, the CKDCF event is a never ending wheel of organisation. 

Francis Dunnery - President

Francis role as President is to oversee the entire event and make sure everything runs without drama. He also has to coax Rock superstars to Cumbria for your pleasure and organize all the music artists and perform a 90 minute set of his own and be fabulous during the day, design web sites and walk around a lake and keep everybody happy!

Mark Andrews - Donations

Mark lives in Cumbria so he's the guy who has to pay all the bills, sign all the cheques, be present for all the donations, process all the donations, put the signs up for the sponsored walk, organise all the auction items, send off to celebrities to get their support, walk around a lake and go to work. All of this AND with a demanding Leo wife.

Fay Dunnery - Public Relations

Fay is the go-to person who deals with all the individual requests. The CKDCF is attended by a variety of people and Fay will arrange individual requirements for anyone needing help, for example, hotel rooms, dietary requirements and even sorting out rooms where dog facilities are needed. In fact, Fay is the person who can sort anything out for anyone. Anything you need, just contact her and she will be more than happy to help.

John (Sconna) Dunnery - Corporate

Not only is Sconna an amazing and highly original songwriter and performer in his own right he is also an experienced and Chartered health and safety professional. Currently working within the Infrastructure Division of a National Construction and Regeneration Business. We have assigned him a role, supporting us by helping to secure sponsorship, while also pointing us in the right direction when it comes to health and safety matters.

Nadia Jaynes - Marketing

Nadia has been in the TV industry since her teens. She's produced and worked on some of the most popular TV and films in the UK. Nadia's role is to get Media visibility for the CKDCF especially around Cumbria so we can gain local support.

Phil Beaumont - Production

Phil is the guy who organizes the sound and lighting needs for the musical events. Because we are a charity it’s important that we keep our costs to a minimum. Phil uses his contacts (and twists a few arms) to make sure that every year we have all the things that we need to put on a fantastic show, at the best price. From mixing desks to microphones, sound systems to strings and lighting to logistics Phil is the best at knowing what we are going to need. HOWEVER he is not superman, to achieve all this he is well supported by a loyal team of sound engineers and lighting designers as well as the backline crew – too many to mention by name but all equally appreciated.

Lorraine Poole - Legal

Lorraine is first and foremost a brilliant photographer. Her photos are all over the social media websites and even of the front cover of the brand new It Bites FD DVD. But she's also highly knowledgeable about the legalities of the Charity commission and also keeps us on the straight and narrow. Lorraine is the go between between the CKDCF and the Charity Commission.

"In a gentle way, you can shake the world..
Mahatma Gandhi