West Cumbria’s Together We Can Fundraising is continuing to raise cash and awareness to help people living with HIV, or affected by sexual abuse and domestic violence.
Julieanne Kelly, of Together We Can Fundraising, said: “One of the projects that I am working on is to raise £28,522 to fund a integrated support worker to support children and adults who have been affected by rape, sexual abuse and domestic violence in West Cumbria with the charity Safety Net (UK).
“Currently if someone needs to access support, there is a three-month waiting list, this project will allow people in Whitehaven, Workington and the surrounding areas to receive support straight away.”
In 2016/2017 161 people from West Cumbria had support from Safety Net (UK), 45 of these were children. In 2018/2019 they expect to see a 25 percent increase.
The Charlie and Kathleen Dunnery Children’s Fund has donated £2,000 which will be an annual donation, to support the children’s work Safety Net (UK) will be doing.
Julieanne said: “On behalf of Safety Net (UK), we would like to say a huge big thank you to Mark Andrews and everyone at CKDCF for the very kind donation.
“Donations like this makes a huge big difference to the work that Safety Net (UK) can do.
“If there are any other local charities or businesses that would like to make a donation, please do get in touch.”
The charity is organising a fundraiser for March 10 at The Solway Hall, Whitehaven featuring the group ‘Fortitude’. It is also looking for raffle prizes and items for the auction.
Tickets, costing £15, are still available, doors open at 6.30pm.
Together We Can Fundraising is also helping a North East-based charity, Blue Sky Trust, which supports people living with HIV, and who is aiming to set up a Cumbrian project. The GMB Union has donated £500 to the new project.
Julieanne said: “We would like to thank GMB Union for supporting Blue Sky Trust Cumbria, the project is going to support 102 people in our region, people that are living with HIV, which is fantastic.
For more information contact Blue Sky Trust by calling 07989155175 or go to www.blueskytrust.org
If you want more information contact Julieanne on 07722589859 or email admin@togetherwecanfundraising.co.uk