Submit your donations online with JustGiving. Just click on the button below and you will be directed to the CKDCF donation page.
JustGiving is the CKDCF’s preferred donation system for many reasons:
– JustGiving accepts all major credit cards as well as Paypal transactions
– JustGiving allows you to set up single as well as recurring or monthly donations
– JustGiving will automatically reclaim Gift Aid to all eligible donations
If you are looking to take advantage of the Gift Aid scheme, please use Just Giving or Virgin Money Giving for your fundraising events, INCLUDING THE CKDCF SPONSORED WALK! Learn more about Just Giving and Gift Aid.
JustGiving is a fantastic fundraising tool! You can create your own fundraising page, help support others who are currently raising money for the CKDCF and even create a fundraising page in memory of someone you love. JustGiving is the perfect online tool to make your sponsored walk, hike or bike ride successful and fun!